• Neneh 是一个 12 岁的黑人小女孩。 为舞蹈而生的她梦想进入巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞学校。 尽管她充满热情,但她需要加倍努力才能摆脱困境并获得玛丽安·贝拉奇的认可,玛丽安·贝拉奇是该机构的负责人,也是传统的维护者,她隐藏了一个将她与这位小芭蕾舞演员联系在一起的秘密……
  • 一个女人被一系列充满致命陷阱的奇怪管子锁住了
  • Salomé is 69-year-old and doesn't want to grow old in a society that pays little attention to elderly people; thus, she has organized her disappearance. She plans her last evening in detail, as she thinks about the last time she will have sexual intercourse. With the held of Sandra, a filmmaker, Salomé organizes a casting to choose the person with whom she will make love for th...